Baton Rouge | Denham Springs LA
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At Rickey Heroman's Florist we feel it is important to give back to our community. We encourage people to shop local and support your local retailers. There are numerous "on line order gathers" in our industry. What most customers don't understand is they do not produce anything. Most flower wire order gatherers charge a "processing service fee" that ranges from 14.99 - 17.99(they keep 100% of this fee), we charge zero for the same service,  just for sending your flower order to a 'local florist' in the community where is will be delivered. They all take a 20% commission, plus send through a florist transmission wire service that takes another 7% plus charge the local florist a transmission fee of 2.00. Most of these vendors are located in New York, Connecticut, Chicago and other large cities across the country. That is where you money is going when placing an order line with the big companies such as, 800-flowers, Ava's Flowers, From you flowers, etc... Your money is not kept local. Therefore, there is not support given to the local community, no charity or contributions, no taxes paid to help take care of our city.

When ordering a 100.00 arrangement, then pay their 17.99 processing fee plus tax, your total charge will be 129.79, when ordering the same locally it only costs 122.05 (a 7.74 savings). The order gather company will keep 17.99(100% of the processing service fee) 20.00(20% of your flowers), the florist transfer company (ftd, teleflora, etc) will keep 7.00 and typically charge the florist is being send to a fee to receive it from the sender. The local florist, the one that does all the work, provides the product, the flowers, the labor, the delivery and pays local salary for workers, insurance, delivery vehicles, storefront, local taxes, and all expenses receives only 71.00 of your 129.79 you spent, or 55%..

Here is the breakdown for a 100.00 arrangment placed with a national order gatherer: 129.79 (- 11.80 sales tax), 117.99 (- 37.99 20% plus their service fee of 17.99), (-7.00 to FTD, Teleflora, etc), (-2.00/approximate fee charged to receiving florist by these same companies) = 71.00 to the local florist providing service. That's only 55%, and once the local florist deducts their cost of the delivery process (10.00), that leaves a local florist 60.05(46%) going to the local florist who provides the flowers, labor, delivery, vases and containers and all the product to do the work. If you call 225-383-8383 or go on line to, for the same order you pay 122.05, that is a 7.74 saving and 100% of your money stays local. This includes 100.00 for the flowers (100% of which stays with the local florist, 10.95 (varies with every florist) for delivery and sales tax(which in Baton Rouge, La is 10% = 11.10) that stays and supports your local community as opposed to another town where you do not live. These national companies do not provide support to the local charIties or give money to help improve our community. They take the money so they can out spend small local businesses on Google and other search engines, which is why so many small town florist have had to simply go out of business.         

Please keep in mind, the local community retailers are the ones who "give back" to local charities and support our community. Our sales tax is paid to the City of Baton Rouge, Denham Springs, etc... as opposed to taxes going to New york, Connicticut, Illinois, California or wherever the online company is located. Support the local businesses that give back and support your community

When you #shoplocal, the local vendor receives 100%, or in this case 100.00 to provide your flowers and service you requested.

When received from a "national order gatherer", after taking the cost of delivery out of the 71.00(-10.95), the local florist is providing 100% of the order is only getting 60.05, which is 46% of what you originally spent

Shop Local, support your local communities. No matter where you live so they can continue to support your Local School Charities, local churches, your YMCA's, Chamber of Commerce, Cancer, Junior Achievement, Charter Schools and all Charitable organizations...... At Rickey Heromans we support and help hundreds of charity organizations and events every year. So remember, when buying flowers and gifts... ALWAYS #SHOPLOCAL #BRStrong #LaProud #supportlocalcharity #communitysupport #localcharity


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